A review by theninabeana
Fever by Maya Banks


Okay so,
I have such mixed feelings about this book.
Let me start off by saying I loved the first book in this series, Rush. I thought Mia and Gabe had a real connection that I could feel through the words in the book. However, when it came to Jace and Bethany I felt a little... confused??

I get love at first sight (maybe infatuation at first sight would be a better term), but it just didn’t make any sense to me. There was no context to their relationship, he seen her and that was it.
Also I get the dominant, possessive men trend in these books (honestly I don’t mind it cause I’m into a dominant man), but it was like excessive. By the way, the amount of time the word possessive, along with other synonyms of the word, was used in this book was infuriating. I get it, she’s yours.

The threesome between Ash, Bethany, and him just had me a little lost because he said that was the only way he could have her. But I highly doubt she would have turned him away if he suggested just being with him.

At one point in the book they were having this deep conversation and literally the next sentence they went into full blown sex and I’m like wtf did I miss. Where is the connection? Where is this coming from? Half the book I literally just sat there and said wtf to myself.

Bethany’s thoughts of not being enough and running away drove me insane as well. It was so much flip flopping I wanted to throw the book across the room. If you love him, you love him. Sit there and work through it instead of being a little bitch and running when things get tough. ANYWAYS, I digress.

HOWEVER, I do want to go ahead and say that the last quarter of this book (maybe like page 300 on), I felt I was enjoying the story a little more. They focused solely on Jace and Bethany for so long in the book that you forgot he even had a sister half the time and that there were other characters besides them and Jack.

The connection between her and Jace made more sense as the book went on, solely because they had been around each other a lot and that connection could grow. Once the connection between them was established and Jace wasn’t running around like a mad man trying to abduct this girl and keep her held up in his apartment, I could get with it.

I thought the ending was pretty intense and it definitely threw me through a loop, which I always welcome a good twist.

Sorry if this is so rambly, I have so many mixed emotions on this book... I even ranted to my husband about it!

So conclusion, lol, the only reason this book got three stars from was because of the last quarter of the book. It was a slower read for me just because I couldn’t get into it as much as Rush. I’m really hoping that Ash’s book will be better (although I read some reviews for it and unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.)
That’s all for now.. on to Burn!