A review by _marian_
The Room in the Attic by Louise Douglas



"Only the rocking chair moved, rocking forwards and backwards as if whoever had been sitting in it had, a moment earlier, got up and left the room."

Lovable, endearing characters with harsh, sad lives who, in spite of everthing they have endured, are capable of the most selfless acts. Emma, Lewis, Maria, Harriet, Isak, Sam, Thalia... Only thing is, I was expecting more spookyness but loved it the way it is -descriptions of places, people, feelings...

Loved Emma, cried for and with her. Such a lovely old lady. I was touched by Maria's pseudo-plot-twist at the end (I was slightly distressed by her 'previous' behaviour).

Lewis is just a sweetheart full of imagination and curiosity. Together Lewis and Isak have more common sense than all their teachers.