A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
A Beginner's Guide to Revenge, Chaos, and Other Absurd Escapades by Shannon Mae


"Lets not forget that revenge should always be joyous."

This series is just so cute and fun! Exactly what I needed after 2 angsty books in a row. Ari and Michael were absolutely perfect for one another. I mean, talk about balancing each other out. Yin and Yang. You know what I mean.

If you've been reading the series then you are well aware that Michael is kind of a fuddy-duddy, for lack of a better term. He enjoys control and has a plan for everything. So imagine my surprise when it's the Infernal Demon King of Chaos and Revenge that just so happens to be his soulmate. I wondered how their dynamic would play out and after reading it makes so much sense. I was telling the truth when I said they were absolutely perfect for one another.

"I could do this forever, he thought. All eternity would not be enough for them."

Michael needed to learn to let loose a bit and Ari was just the demon for the job. He was the one man who could get Michael's brain to shut off and just relax. Michael felt safe to let go in Ari's capable hands. On the flip side, Ari tended to get a bit carried away with the chaos portion of his job. Being with Michael gave him something to focus on and in turn brought his chaos down a much needed notch. Balance my friends, balance.

I am so happy that the next one to find love is going to be Kushiel. The angel has popped up a bit in the past two books and I really want to see him get his happy ending. I also love who his soulmate is. I have a feeling Kushiel isn't going to know what hit him. And luckily for us we get a novella before then too! I know I can't be alone in wanting to know more about a certain Mr. Frog. Can't wait!