A review by libralita
Words of Radiance Part Two by Brandon Sanderson


So our story begins with a Jasnah perspective on the night of her father’s murder. Which is awesome because that woman gives me life. I didn’t know Elhokar has a wife. Weird. Does he have children? Also I guess paranoia runs in the family, Jasnah and Elhokar are both paranoid.

Shallan and Adolin are gonna get married!

Shallan is going diving in a dress. So, do they not have swimsuits?

“I had to spend hours watching bridgemen to sketch their stupid forehead glyphs so you could have them, my friend. I’m pretty sure this is how they were designed. —Nazh”—Page 76

Nazh! He was the guy in Secret History who Khriss employed when they were in the Cognitive Realm.

Would Kaladin and Dalinar just be honest with each other?

Sadeas’s first name is Torol? I don’t trust Ialai, like at all.


Pattern is cute.

Boats have emotions.

“That’s what you do, a deeply buried part of herself accused her. You distract yourself. You refuse to think about things that bother you.”—Page 141

Never related so much to a character before.

This stick isn’t as intelligent as that boat was. Also why is “I am a stick” a meme?

Sadeas is gonna get a perspective, you aren’t going to become sympathetic. I trusted you once and you destroyed me.

Gaz, I thought you were dead, turns out that you just left.

An assassin came but didn’t kill the king. I’m just waiting for Elhokar to die.

What if Moash is the assassin?

Kaladin and Shallan finally meet.

“Princess Unulukuaki’kina’autu’atai!”—Page 369

I think Brandon just slams his face on keyboard to get these Horneater names.

Sadeas and his wife are so conniving…


Sebarial is gonna make me fall in love with him and then he’s going to die, I can feel it…I’m still getting attached and this is just gonna cause me pain

Renarin wants to train under Kal and dammit he’s adorable!

Kal’s anger for Amaran is gonna be the thing that kills Syl, calling it right now.

Huh this glamour thing that Shallan can do is kinda like how Elantrians use their own glamour. I wonder if all of these magic systems come from the Dor.

I was thinking that Moash wasn’t responsible for the king nearly dying on his balcony because it seems kinda obvious but apparently he did. Now I’m worried at what Kal is getting himself into.

I’m pretty sure the messenger from Shallan’s past is Nazh.

Peet! He is getting a wife.

I pretty sure that god Rock met was Hoid.

Okay, good Kal wasn’t really considering joining up with these guys.

“‘Stop it, you two,’ Balat said. ‘That kind of talk is disrespectful. Love…is like a classical melody.’
Shallan grinned. ‘If you end your performance too quickly, your audience is disappointed?’”—Page 611

I’m screaming!

“‘What if you need to poop?’ she asked instead.
‘Well, I put my back to the chasm and laid about me with my sword, tending to…Wait. What did you say?’
‘Poop,’ Shallan said. ‘You’re out there on the battlefield, encase in metal like a crab in its shell. What do you do if nature calls?’
‘I…er…’ Adolin frowned at her. ‘That is not something any woman has ever asked me before.’”—Page 625

Why are we talking about poop?!

Hey Hoid, the coachman!

I was wrong about the man in Shallan’s past being Nazh, it was Hoid.

Dalinar made a huge mistake.

Goddammit Kal, just tell Dalinar.

I knew it, I knew that they would find a loop hole and use more than just two.

Go Renarin!

Go Kaladin! Go save them!

Renarin is crying! Oh, my baby!

One year? Bastard…

“‘This,’ Kaladin said, looking at her, ‘is what comes of trusting lighteyes. Never again, Syl.’”—Page 98

What?! Kal this is your own damn fault! If you had just listen to Syl, you wouldn’t be in this mess. Amaran sucks but you can’t let this control you. Ugh!

Kal, you aren’t seriously considering kill the king? Goddammit, Kaladin. I’m so frustrated with you!

Iyatil is like the southerners, she wears a mask.

Eylita and Iyatil are kinda similar looking names, same person?

Adolin locked himself in jail for Kaladin, oh that’s so sweet. Is the bromance going to finally blossom? Yes it is!

I’m so fucking disappointed in you, Kal. You’re still going through this idiotic plan.

Oh, no Amaran, it’s quite easy to kill a god.

“‘Oh, please,’ she said. ‘The world isn’t fair? What a huge revelation! Some people in power abuse those they have power over? Amazing! When did this start happening?’”—Page 265

Thank you, Shallan!

“‘I wouldn’t have wanted to be the executioner who tried that.’ He said that with a quiet intensity.
‘Me neither,’ Shallan said. ‘I think hanging people is a poor choice of professions for an executioner. Better to be the guy with an axe.’
He frowned at her.
‘You see,’ she said, ‘with the axe, it’s easier to get ahead…’”—Page 280

That’s it Shallan, time to feed you to the chasmfiend.

I don’t think I ship Shallan and Kal but I think they’d be good to help each other.

“‘You could say,’ he told her as she stepped down off the pile, ‘that we were given only a pittance.’
He grinned at her.
She cocked her head.
‘Pit-tance,’ he said, gesturing toward the depth of the hole they were in. ‘You know. We’re in a pit…’”—Page 295

That’s it Kaladin, time to feed you to the chasmfiend.

Watching Shallan kill her father was horrifying.


Navani being motherly to Shallan is adorable.

Pattern has learned snark and backtalk, god help us all.


I should be concerned that Renarin is having issues but dammit the way the voice actress delivered his ranting was hilarious.

Szeth is alive?


Lopen’s growing his arm back! Can’t wait to see the book on Kal’s face.

I knew that Shallan killed her mom! Took her long enough to confront it.

ADOLIN KILLED SADEAS! I’m sure this’ll bite us in the ass but dammit it felt good. Hopefully he stays dead.

Renarin is a radiant! Whoohoo! Something still seems wrong…I wonder what his spren is.

J-Jasnah…? JASNAH! YOU’RE ALIVE! Dammit I should have known! Jasnah, Kelsier and Szeth should start a club.

Welp, time to wait for Oathbringer…*sobs*