A review by katreader
A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Murder by Dianne Freeman


The Third Countess of Harleigh Mystery

In order to avoid a scandal Frances Wynn, the Countess of Harleigh, devises a plan. Lily and Leo need not elope, they will simply push the wedding up by a few weeks stating they just wanted a quiet affair with close family and friends. Since her neighbor, George Hazelton, is hosting a shooting party at his brother's estate, everyone would be welcome to stay for the week and culminate the festivities with the wedding. Things are off to a bumpy start, however, with Leo's bickering sisters and a runaway luggage cart at the station. Mishaps continue to plague the party. Are these merely accidents or is someone targeting one of the guests? Frances and George team up once more to investigate. Will the mischief stop Lily and Leo's wedding? Or will it put an end to Frances and George altogether?

A LADY'S GUIDE TO MISCHIEF AND MURDER brings a complex mystery to a country house party. The fact that all of the "accidents" appear so random and target such a variety of people, from staff to guests, make the mystery that much more intriguing. I love the relationship between Frances and George, how they compliment and work with each other. I also appreciate how their relationship isn't perfect. They have doubts and get angry but ultimately communicate and work things out.

The third Countess of Harleigh Mystery is a story of family. Not only do we have the blending of families with the upcoming wedding of Lily and Leo, as well as the soon to be announcement of Frances and George, but the way family members deal with each other. We see the bickering of sisters, the plight of the son-in-law in regards to family business, and the varied actions and reactions of mothers.

A LADY'S GUIDE TO MISCHIEF AND MURDER is a multilayered historical mystery that shows the importance of family in its many different forms. I absolutely love this series and this book and look forward to returning to Victorian England with the Countess of Harleigh soon.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.