A review by blackbirdbooks23
Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten


I have a special place in my heart for Ina Garten. Her show Barefoot Contessa taught me to cook and kept me comforted in my 20s. I could never switch the channel when she was on and still to this day I go back to old episodes.
I was very excited to read more about her life (I thought I had an idea of what it was like), but man this memoir showed me I was wrong! She's a inspiring, rebel feminist in all the best ways. She never let "No" enter her mind and tried so many different things in her life to challenge and excite her.
And her and Jeffrey seriously are #relationship goals.
Her story kept me entertained, inspired, and excited to move forward with my own projects (I'm reading this as I open a bookstore for the first time!).