A review by cakt1991
My Date with a Wendigo by Genevieve McCluer


I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve always had mixed feelings about shifter romance, but a lot of that had to do with assumptions about the animal instincts amplifying the alphahole tendencies I hate in heroes. So, I was intrigued by the premise of My Date with a Wendigo, as I am always on the lookout for more f/f romance, and I wanted to know how that would change the dynamic.

And this is a lot of fun, putting a spin not only that subgenre, but also being an adorable second chance romance. While magical elements mingled with the real world (e.g. urban fantasy) is a hard sell for me, I loved Abigail, and how she’s navigating her identity as a monster through a support group. That, juxtaposed with Elizabeth being a (non-magical) therapist provides the groundwork for a complicated, but healthy relationship.

There are tests to the relationship, and I like how Abigail navigates being tempted by her hunger for Elizabeth, while Elizabeth finds herself wanting to become a monster herself, in order to be with Abigail. The way these two find a way to be together is ultimately sweet.

However, while this book does have a great message of acceptance at its heart, it is also a little out there and requires suspension of disbelief (as paranormal romance likely often does), and it’s ultimately more of just a fun story than anything that is really mind-blowing. If you love paranormal romance already, and are looking for something a little different with an f/f pairing perhaps you might have a different experience.