A review by karentje
Beat of Their Own Drum by K.M. Neuhold


A kinky mmm romance with three wonderful and complex main characters, each one well-rounded and interesting. Together they were simply irresistible!

Bennet and Archer have a past together and still love each other despite having broken up years ago, so that could have put them on an uneven footing with Jude, but that doesn’t happen. The author makes sure that they are all equals in this relationship, every man bringing something unique to it and finding love and care with the other two in equal measure. There are several very moving moments in the story, and all three men have moments of weakness and vulnerability. It was great to see them learn to trust one another and give in to their growing feelings, or acknowledging feelings that were there all along.

The only thing that I would have liked to have seen developed a bit more fully is the emotional bond between Jude and Bennett. I’d have preferred them to get to know each other better before dropping the L-word, outside of their D/S connection, that is. I did really like the way the author incorporated the bdsm-aspect of Jude’s and Ben’s relationship into the story, as well as how she made Archer fit into it too. I think this is one of the best daddy kink stories I’ve read so far and I loved the way both Archer and Jude slowly discovered that part of themselves.

I found it a bit unrealistic that Jude shrugs off his drug addiction so easily. I’d have expected that part of him getting his act together would have been harder. It didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the story one bit, however.

The occasional flashbacks were a great way to explain certain things and really brought home what these characters have been through.

We get glimpses of what’s happening with the other band members during their “vacation”, which was great. Not enough to distract us from the MC’s of this book, but still plenty to be able to fully appreciate the importance of the connection between the band members and how their rise to fame impacted their lives. For better and worse.

I was struck by the significance of the book’s title and really liked the play on words. Jude is the heart, the linchpin in the relationship between the three men, and they definitely have to follow their own path in order to find happiness.

I absolutely loved this story and I can’t wait to find out what happens next in this series!