A review by aimee70807
The Best Medicine by Tracy Brogan


I'm giving this book five stars because it really worked, even though I have a quibble with one of the threads. I thoroughly enjoy chick lit like this that mixes a romance with a more soul-searching thread. Our heroine is a 35-year-old type-A plastic surgeon who has to learn to loosen her hands on the reins of life and admit that a guy who doesn't look good on paper might be the perfect fit.

The thread that bothered me was her biological clock starting to tick. Throughout the book, it felt like the author was setting the heroine up to realize that she didn't really want kids after all --- she was uncomfortable holding a baby (although apparently got gooey anyway) and didn't feel she had enough time in her doctor schedule to walk a dog twice a day (raising the question --- what would she do with a kid who presumably needs more than 15 minutes of her attention?). But that thread wasn't really resolved at the end of the book at all, one way or the other.

Anyway, other than that, the book was a light, fun read. And if the book had included an epilogue, I probably wouldn't have been left feeling like the story was somehow incomplete.