A review by tartbarbie
Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


I received Starflower in return for an honest review as part of the blog tour hosted by Prism Book Tours in return for a honest review. Hri Sora is a powerful dragon who has been in a state of sleep since she burned down her city which she was trying to protect. Her father took her dragon form and wings leaving with just her mortal body. Desperate to have them back Hri Sora makes a deal with her father that she will bring him back a treasure to add to his hoard. Her plan is to kidnap the Queen's cousin since she knows what the treasure looks like and use her to retrieve it. Hri Sora easily captures Gleamdren her next challenge is to get her to give up the treasure so she can have her true form.

When the woman he loves is kidnapped Eanrin sets out to find Gleamdren before Glomar can rescue her. Eanrin isn't a warrior he's instead a immortal faerie poet who happens to also be part cat. He comes across a girl who has drunk from the enchanted river and even though he want's to find Gleamdren he can't help feeling a little sorry for the mortal girl and taking her to the serpent witch who owes him a favor. Thank's to the serpents collection of frog princess the girl is woken from her enchanted slumber. It's after the pair escape from the serpents land that he learns she's under a curse and can't speak but he's able to figure out her name Starflower. Deciding he can't leaver he takes her along with him on his journey to find Gleamdren fearing what would happen if he leaves her behind. As they get closer to finding Gleamdren they learn that Starflower is tied to Hri Sora which could change everything.

I was a little nervous starting Starflower because it's not the first in the series it's the fourth book, and I hate to read out of order. Thankfully it can be read as a standalone for what I understand it's almost a prequel to the first three but honestly I'm not sure. I wasn't sure about Eanrin at first he kind of has a big ego, then again I guess if I was the Prince of Poet's I would have a high opinion of myself. So I wasn't sure I was going to like his character however when he met Starflower, he showed his compassionate side which I really liked. Startflower is one of those characters you just can't help loving because she's been through so much but she keeps coming back. It's a fast paced action packed adventure with a little love story tossed in the mix. I really enjoyed the world of Goldstone Woods, since it's new to me I found it refreshing and exciting. However I've not read the first three but after reading Starflower I will be checking them out when I get some downtime because I enjoyed this one so much. I had a hard time putting it down and was able to finish over the coarse of a evening because I wanted to know how their adventure would end.