A review by lectorliber04
Omens by Kelley Armstrong



The prologue lured me in. Didn't know whether or not Eden was hiding out of fear or just playing until the very end of it; she was playing hide and seek with Daddy. Then Eden witnessed her parents being taken away from her and my heart went out to the innocent toddler. This story grabs you from start to finish. Part whodunit, mystery and part paranormal. Is there romance? Hmm, not really. Although Olivia and Gabriel seemed to have grown closer than they expected but ended up just friends and partners.

Cainsville, the little, weird town, Olivia (Eden) chooses as her new home is one of the main characters. Cainsville is full of secrets and strange people and there's a reason why Olivia has moved there. The town knew who she was and who her parents are but that's all I know. I'm full of questions. Questions that might be answered in the next books. I loved this book! I like the fact that I don't have all the answers and have to go back to Cainsville and read more about it.

I enjoyed Olivia's spunk, bravery, ingenuity, and sense of humour. She has accepted that for whatever reason she can read omens, see omens where others can't. I want to know why is she capable of doing it. Gabriel grew on me. His hard shell has cracked a bit and Olivia has a lot to do with it. Patrick confuses me, is he evil, has special powers or is he just mischievous? Ida and Walter, what are they? 'The Huntsmen', they don't want Olivia to be harmed. Who are they? Why the interest in her?

So while one murder was solved, Olivia has now to deal with her real parents, both in jail and possibly innocent. She is continuing with her partnership with Gabriel, now as his assistant but the threat of 'The Huntsmen' is real and I doubt she is not as curious as I am about them, Cainsville and its peculiarities and the probability that her parents had been framed. More to come and I can't wait.