A review by shes_book_obsessed
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson


«How is it even possible that a book like this even exists. I can’t even begin to describe how good this book was, and omg I can’t wait to read the next!!»

Okey, I just want to start off with; wow, this was amazing!

Since I haven’t read sci-fi before, I was therefore nervous about exploring this new world, and omg I’m so happy I did!

This book was so good that I couldn’t put it down at times and I just had to read more. It was so full of action, there are Krell attacks just around the corner, or as a true book lover would say, when you turn to the next page.

I can’t begin to explain how
funny this book was, I probably sat laughing every now and then, I can’t describe the look on people’s faces when they looked at me.

I loved Doomslug and M-bot, they are the best side characters I’ve ever read about and I can’t forget to mention how hard I laughed at them when something they did or said was extremely funny.

I was kind of sensing a hate to love relationship between Jerkface and Spin, but it ended at friendly, for now. I don’t think I can keep my hopes down because I’m already wishing for it too badly, please don’t disappoint me!

When their flight started loosing pilots I was surprised by my own sadness. I didn’t know that I already was connected to them and therefore the shock of losing Bim and Morningtide struck me hard. When more people of their flight died or quit I couldn’t keep myself together, I just wanted them as a team, together so I could laugh at their clumsiness when they, as in the start of the book, sat practicing flight simulations.

I as I reader always like to know the enemy well, and that’s why it was quite confusing not knowing anything at all about these creatures called the Krell.

I have to confess that when I passed a hundred pages I had already placed Skyward in my fav bookshelf and settled my thoughts on a high star rating. Fortunately the book for me only got better and better. This is definitely a book I’m going to reread multiple times and it gets my mood up if I’m feeling down too.