A review by booksandladders
Ruinsong by Julia Ember


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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book, but read it as a finished audiobook, and chose to review it. This in no way impacts my opinion.

Content Warning: mentions of cancer, animal death (the death itself is not on page but the scene of the main character discovering the animal is very graphic), blood, torture, vomiting.

I've never seen Phantom of the Opera, so I have no idea how close to a retelling Ruinsong is, but oh my, it is SO good! While there are VERY triggering aspects of animal and pet deaths, as well as not being super nice to animals in general, I did quite enjoy the entire experience of reading (I just kept my cat super close - she was a little annoyed).

I loved this magic system, and how it was used for plot and character development. I definitely wanted a hundred more magical showdowns and it would be AMAZING to see as a Netflix show (please).

I always love Julia Ember's books for the inclusion of fat characters who are unapologetically fat. I thought Remi was a great character, a perfect counterpart to Cadence, and overall I loved reading about their relationship. Both girls were so strong and independent, but knew how to rely on others and ask for help when necessary. I loved watching them fall in love and I always love the "childhood friends to lovers" trope, which I thought was really well done here.

I would have liked a bit better pacing, and listening as an audiobook made it a little difficult because there was one narrator for two perspectives, but this is such a good build of suspense, magic, and fantasy that it is definitely worth the read.

If you can handle animal death and torture, please pick this up!

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