A review by behowel
Godspeed by February Grace


I downloaded this book because-
1. It was free
2. It seemed a bit steampunkish and Iove me some steampunk.
I am so pleased I followed my gut on this one and decided to snatch it up. I really enjoyed everything about this book. The characters, the story, the time period. It seems quite a lot of research went into the writing of this book. The only thing I wish had been different was that I wish the author would have gone deeper into Schuyler and Quinn's back story and history. I feel like we missed quite a bit of the story involving Orchid, the engagement ring, etcetera, but these were some of the aspects that added to the over-all suspenseful feeling of the story so I just wish there had been more explanation. All in all a great story and a pretty breezy read.