A review by amandalynnhuffman
Dukes of Ruin by Angel Lawson, Samantha Rue


4 stars, yes, but…this was rough. Really really depressing and dark. I know that’s the point, but damn. I am a big dark romance fan. I don’t get squeamish easily. In fact, I personally love reading about people who have it way, unrealistically worse than me. It makes me feel better in a weird way? I digress. But this was…extra extra dark. Like literally all dark. Zero light.

The Lords series was tough at times, but there was enough not-so-depressing content mixed in that it wasn’t so bad. This was different. Every single character is awful. Their lives are horrible. They’re horrible to each other. It was just all around rough. With 500+ pages, I thought FOR SURE there would be some redemption or a small fragment of light. I was wrong. It was all sucky start to finish. The only reason I’m able to go on is that I know it will EVENTUALLY get better. Truly no clue how at this point…but I’m trusting the process.

I’m still giving this 4 stars because…despite all that I said, I was still hooked. This was really well written and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. And plus, I loved the cameos with Rath, Story, and Tris.

On to the next one…

AND PS. Can she please stop spitting on everyone?! So nasty. Literally react ANY other way. Please.

Okay, the end.