A review by boosmummy
Tellan by Loretta Johns


I got this book free from Voracious Readers for an honest review. I gave it 3 stars as I liked it but it just wasn't long enough or went into enough detail for 4 stars. As the book is only 63 pages long I'm guessing it's just a set up for the series and the next books will be longer and have more of the story so we get to know the protags a lot better.

The premise of the story is really good, an alien race makes contact in order to swap technology to see if they have possible mates on earth. Laurel works in her families business in Birmingham (England) and fills in a fun questionnaire online, next minute her flat is surrounded by police and inside sits waiting the Prime Minister and Tellan, who is the ambassador of Mylos to Earth. It seemed that the questionnaire has flagged up Laurel as mate to Tellan. This bit was good but what I found hard to go with was how quickly Laurel just ups and goes with Tellan, okay there was a bit of angst but not much. I loved the references to Star Trek that she makes as most of our idea of what aliens are like are from programs like Star Trek, Star Wars etc.