A review by kate_and_books
Rocky Mountain Haven by Vivian Arend


Beth is out with her sister for a night on the town in Calgary - the sister hooks up with one of the twins (or maybe both) Beth disappears to the ladies room and comes back and is caught by Daniel Colemann ;-) Some sparks fly but due to Beth's past she finds it difficult they swap numbers and Dnaiel is very interested, Beth is as well but she's moving so she doesn't see the point. Is it weird if I think it is totally hot that Daniel calls her Miss Beth??

This is where it gets funny. She moves to where? yeah exactly down the pasture from where Daniel lives they hit it off but slower and the story is just beautiful. Beth has been abused so it is normal that she wants to take it slow. Her boys are lovely and the story is beautiful.

During this Matt Colemanns gets his heart walked all over by the cold hearted bitch Helen but then there wouldn't be a book if that all worked out.

Gabe Colemann looks into getting his life sorted and Jaxi and Blake have twins.