A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Trust with a Chaser by Annabeth Albert


Color me pleasantly surprised. This one had been sitting on my TBR since multiple people I follow had given it a thumbs up. I am not usually one for the May/December trope. I know! I know I guess I just haven't really loved any that I have read. I did however like this one.

Mason is 28, back in his hometown, to open a LGBT friendly bar/restaurant. With this he plans as his start in trying to liven up Rainbow Cove and bring this small town up on the times. He opens this business with his two buds Adam and Logan. One thing about being back in Rainbow Cove is that Mason is known here, not for his cooking talents, but for his last name Hanks . Let's just say that name is known around these parts as being synonymous with Trouble , and there is one man who is well aware of his families misdeeds and that's Chief of Police Nash Flint.

Nash Flint is a man with principles. He's almost 40 and all he has to show for it is his job and the closet he hides in. Nash has his priorities: falling in love and coming out are both at the bottom of that list. Years of living his life based on his father's opinions is a habit that is hard to break. That is until he sits down to lunch at the new tavern and is greeted by a smiling Mason. Fate takes it from there.

It was fun watching these two men fumble around each other. Mason tries teaching Nash to cook, encourages him to get out of his comfort zone and live a little. Nash in return treats Mason to his first fishing outing and shares his knowledge of the hobby he loves. Their relationship shaped itself in an organic way. What started out at tentative friendships, leads to fooling around, and as we all know fooling around inevitably leads to feelings. It was a cute, sweet read. Nash was frustrating at times, but in the end he turned out all right.