A review by portybelle
Driving Home for Christmas by Joanna Bolouri


We meet Kate and Ed when they are driving home for Christmas. There’s already a bit of an atmosphere as Kate is an hour late leaving her job and Ed has had to sit in a chilly car for over an hour waiting for her. Sometimes stresses and strains seem amplified at Christmas and they certainly take their toll on this relationship. Although they have a massive argument on the journey and decide that time is up for the relationship, with three different family groups to spend Christmas with, they decide to fake it with the families, rather than risk spoiling their Christmases too. There were some rather uncomfortable scenes for both Kate and Ed as the weight of expectations from their families made for some rather awkward moments!

Kate’s grandmother, known as Gubba, was one of my favourite characters. She was feisty, astute and wasn’t averse to speaking her her mind which at time was hilarious. Kate’s much younger brother, Tom, was just so sweet and it was lovely to see how he looked up to Kate and especially to Ed.

Kate and Ed so obviously still loved each other, still fancied the pants off each other and admitted as much. We see how their very different life paths and expectations had led them to grow apart. I enjoyed getting to see how their relationship developed from when they first met as teenagers and what made them into the people they’d become. I so wanted them to resolve their differences but they seemed insurmountable.

Driving Home for Christmas is a book which will give you all the festive feels but could be enjoyed at any time of the year really. Ed and Kate are really relatable characters and I was completely caught up in their story. I absolutely loved this book and definitely recommend you add it to your Christmas reading list.