A review by softstarrynights
The Goshawk by T.H. White


T.H. White is probably best known as the author of the Arthurian retelling The Once and Future King. This is a departure from fantasy with a memoir of White's experience training a goshawk using a 17th-century falconry guide. I find this one difficult to rate because I don't read a lot of non-fiction, and I've never read nature writing, so I struggle to compare to other works and authors. I enjoyed the parts where Gos, the goshawk, was being trained but these moments are surprisingly sparse. The Goshawk also feels as though it's a book for White more than anyone else, which is understandable as the daybook it is based on was not written with the intention to publish. It's a short book, so it is a quick read which worked in its favour but I'm not sure it's the sort of thing I will still be thinking about next month.