A review by aimeesbookishlife
Across The Wall: A Tale Of The Abhorsen And Other Stories by Garth Nix


I bought this to read the short story 'The Creature in the Case' as I started reading [b:Goldenhand|28594830|Goldenhand (Abhorsen, #5)|Garth Nix|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1459724394s/28594830.jpg|42858213] and realised it is set immediately after the short story. It definitely helped make sense of the first few chapters of Goldenhand, although I think you could still read the book without reading the short story because it's all explained in a conversation between Nick and Lirael anyway.

TCITC is actually the only Old Kingdom short story in this collection. The only Garth Nix books I have read are the Old Kingdom series so it was interesting to see him tackle other genres. I particularly enjoyed a re-imagining of Merlin and Nimue's relationship, and a very moving contemporary story of two young boys caught up in an unnamed war.