A review by murinius
Historia del tiempo: del Big Bang a los agujeros negros by Stephen Hawking


This book is presented as an introduction, but be prepared! I learned a lot, but as an absolute newcomer to physics and the hard sciences in general, I found it hard to fully grasp certain concepts or to think of them in simultaneous with new ideas as Hawking was introducing them. The book is packed with information, but I think I would have taken more from it if I had some prior knowledge of physics, or if he'd explained some of these postulates in greater detail. Some parts left me confused because there was no explanation as to why one idea should follow from the other, though it seemed like it would have been obvious to someone with the appropriate background.

In summary, I found it a little difficult but enjoyable, and after having read it I'm certainly more curious about the topic. All in all a good choice.