A review by theresidentbookworm
Hawkeye #9 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Julian Tedesco


My Thoughts On: Hawkeye #9

1. Of course you woke up in a cage, Kate. How did you really think those fights were going to end for you?

2. Do Kate's friends have a key to her office/apartment? Because they seem to be there a lot when she's not there. Does Kate ever lock her door? I'm guessing not, which seems like a bad idea when you're a superhero.

3. Detective Rivera is my favorite character from this arc who is not a superhero. She's just trying to do her job and help this young superhero when she can, and I give her 10/10. Also, she says the line I think that perfectly describes the appeal of Kate Bishop: "She drives me crazy. But she also gets under your skin, you know?" Kate's friends and Lucky's agreement to this statement is also the best thing ever.

4. I appreciate Kate's outrage at being referred to on the board as "the girl one", but I do think she has bigger problems to worry about at the moment.

5. Of course she has to fight a fire man. This can't just be a normal fight club.

6. Yeah, Kate, you don't need any superpowers. You do just fine on your own. Also, I love how her assessment of a situation is presented visually. It's one of my favorite parts of this series.

7. Every moment between Detective Rivera and Kate in this issue is my favorite, but Rivera rescuing her from the fight club is my favorite. Particularly, when she is reassuring Kate: "You are super weird, Bishop. But I'll give you heroic as hell and afraid of nothing. Just relax. We're gonna get you out of here."

8. I understand why Kate's pushing her friends away right now because a lot has happened and she needs to process it, but I do not accept her guilt over the situation. We are not responsible for what our family members have done.

9. I kind of hate how, periodically in this issue, a panel will be inserted flashing back to a previous issue to show what Kate's thinking about. It feels clunky and lazy.

10. For once, the cliffhanger does not make me eager to read the next one because I have no clue who is standing in Kate's apartment, and it feels similar to a cliffhanger we just had.