A review by disgracefullee
Conversion by Katherine Howe


I'm not sure if authors know that having a massive bitch as the main character of your book can be a bit of a downer while reading, but I guess if they wanted to find out, they would just read Conversion.

Colleen is an incredibly irritating MC. She deserves to go to Harvard! If she doesn't, her life will be ruined. (Nevermind the fact that we never learn what she even wants to study.) And she's almost valedictorian- so she gets to treat everyone around her with disdain, because she's so much better than them.

Also: the ending of this book was gross. Spoilers ahead.

When the whole "Emma is a witch" thing came up, it literally ruined the point of the book, which was that excessive pressure on teenage girls can cause their bodies to freak out. (Which is still like. Iffy to me, but whatever.) But actually it wasn't the pressure that was the issue, it was that Emma was a witch! And the reason that everyone's gotten sick is because Emma, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, IS SAD BECAUSE HER TWENTY-THREE YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND HAS BROKEN UP WITH HER.

What the fuck? The book doesn't even portray the statutory rape as a bad thing. There is one comment (one) from a character we're not supposed to like mentioning that it's bad, but the text of the book appears to disagree entirely. All of the problems go away because Emma and her rapist get back together. Emma nearly kills him because she's so sad, and he eventually SITS ON TOP OF HER and calms her down from her panic attack (like an adult would with a literal child)(not that only children have panic attacks- my point is that Emma is a child and her "boyfriend" is an adult). Colleen and her (equally insufferable) boyfriend are just watching this go down with absolutely no issue. I repeat: What the fuck?

anyways this book sucked and fuck normalizing grooming and statutory rape.