A review by mamabookwyrm
Tonic by Staci Hart


So I’ve been sitting on a Staci Hart novel for about half a year now but just never got around to reading it. I’ve had a huge case of oh shiny with some of my favorite authors and never got around to it. Then the blurb for Tonic crossed my e-mail and the premise caught my eye. Even though I can’t stand most reality shows in real life, I find them interesting in books. Then I saw the cover and drooled, tattoos and beards? I’m in!

Joel is my favorite type of hero. Tattooed, bearded and alpha with a soft spot he likes to hide. He’s bit of a grizzly bear. I just want to cuddle up to him. Annika is an ice princess. She comes off as cold and prissy. But she’s got a feisty side she’s hiding. And Joel brings it out in her. The chemistry between the two is fabulous, the banter even better. I loved watching the tug of war between their attraction and the desire to keep away from each other. And when they give in….KABOOM! The side characters are all great as well. Laney’s the wicked witch of the editing room. I wanted to throw a bucket of water on her to see if she’d melt. And I’d love to see a follow-up book about Roxy. Bunny needs a daddy to protect her.

While not a sweet and soft romance or a fun and flirty one, this was a pretty easy read. While there was some drama, there was no heavy angst that made me ugly cry. It was a good book to read and enjoyable. There are some feels, some humor and maybe a little bit of tears. I think it’s time to dust the other Hart novels off in my TBR and get them read; she certainly knows how to keep me engaged.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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