A review by justineduhart
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


3,5/5 ?

This book was really addicting and it is nothing like what I've ever read before. Written in verse, dealing with transsexuality and transgender. If the latter was super interesting and captivating and heartwrenching, I'm not sure about the format or the main character. Some lines are very powerful and beautifully written. Some citations are even written as to draw something important and in correlation to the text - so style and content were quite coherent at different times in the novel.
But sometimes, the verse format was just plain and not that impressive. Yes, it's a debut novel and yes it was quite a challenge and it was definitely a freaking brave move. And since I haven't read that much poetry in my life, I don't have decent knowledge in that area to say anything bad about this aspect.

What really bothers me? The main character's selfishness. His selfishness towards his girlfriend. To be honest, it must be the only thing that really angered me but it was enough. And also, the story dragged out because of him and his egoistical behavior. At least a 100 pages irritated me and I'm so pissed about it because this book is really good (it's the first I read about transgender and transsexuality and I do want to read more now) but Brendan is a character I cannot understand - and it's definitely not because of the doubts he has on his identity (though his questions and complains do get old towards the end).

It's a really intricate and complicated and emotional story and I cried quite a few times. Even for Brendan. But as I say, the storyline isn't enough. Characters have to be great and Brendan was an asshole (but at least he knows it...). I definitely felt sorry for Vanessa and I really liked Angel.

So 3,5/5 because there were flaws and meh aspects but overall I did really like this book!