A review by booking_along
The Vincent Van Gogh Atlas by Teio Meedendorp, Nienke Denekamp, René Van Blerk


This book is perfect for anyone that loves either Van Gogh and wants a more details and actual factual history as well as people that's just generally love reading and following along historical facts and family history of people that lived before them.

This book has a fantastic mixture of short but informative text and pictures, both of places that can Gogh lived or visited or found inspiration in a sense well as of his paintings. I loved seeing some of the places that inspired his works and seeing how much or how little he actually changed from what he saw when he decided to paint a specific thing.

I also found it really intersting to learn more about his family and how much or little he had to do with some of his immediate family.

I really enjoyed reading and larking throughout this book, and seeing all the information but tighter so nicely.

I loved the order of this booking, that it went from his birth to his death, so that we could not only see where he went and when and follow along in the why that Van Gogh traveled but also to see the progression and change in the paintings as well as how he himself seemed to ace been behaving.

This is a wondeful book, that I can highly recommend for art lovers, history lovers and everonye that is its curious to learn something new!

Thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the authors for provinding me with a free ecopy in exchange for a free and honest review!