A review by sandygx260
A Book of Tongues by Gemma Files


This book is insane. It's like Gemma Files decided to collect a huge grab bag of craziness and started running with it. First off, I don't like Westerns, but the only relation this has to a trad Western is that it is set out West and there are saloons, bandits, and gunslingers.

There is also a homicidal gay man with the temperament of a rabid racoon, a preacher turned hexmaster who loves said homicidal gay man, and a powerful goddess—or is she— out to destroy the world? Unleash the hell of ancient Mexican gods on the world?

Rainbow is quite a piece of wicked work.

One reason I can't grant this mayhem five stars of love and lust is the dialog. In her quest to be authentic to how certain people talk in 1866, Files creates some almost incomprehensible passages. Plus there are a few too many scenes where the descriptions become unhinged to the point where I didn't know what the hell happened in the story. Yes, using writing to display hallucinatory madness sounds good, but it doesn't always work.

I just started the second book. Tasty.

I highly recommend this book to readers who love the unexpected and love gunslingers who love to fuck.