A review by court_of_stars
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


I am working through the Big Strong Yes podcast by Lani Diane Rich and Dr. Kelly Jones. We had just finished reading "Rising Strong" by Brene Brown and that took me the better part of eight months to finish. I was expecting the same emotional struggle for Elizabeth Gilbert's "Big Magic" but I was very wrong.

I devoured "Big Magic" in less than 24 hours. Gilbert's words spoke directly to my creative soul and allowed me to open my eyes, my heart, my existence, to creative living in a positive, healing, and curious way.

"Big Magic" opened my eyes to a healthier relationship with my creativity. I had always been under the impression that to be creative, one must be tortured all of the time (and it was torturous!). Gilbert gives ideas of living the right creative life and living your creativity for the right reasons.

I was moved by this book from beginning to end. Even now, even as the final page has been read, I can feel the magic flowing throughout the universe.

A must read for anyone that has been called to the creative life (writing, art, science, math, ANYTHING!)

Happy Reading!