A review by littlebirdbooks
A WAG Abroad by Alison Kervin


Okay, two months ago I got the sequel to The WAG’s Diary by Alison Kervin. As the title suggest this was called A WAG Abroad. Now after going through a phase of horror I decided I wanted a changed which caused me to start reading The WAG’s Diary. I had never read a book like it, I was laughing hysterically when I had finished the book I immediately went online to see where I could pick up the next installment and after months of waiting I finally got it.

I promised myself that I was going to save it for my holiday (after all it was deemed to be the perfect beach read) but I just couldn’t help myself! After feeling bored and somewhat lonely yesterday I couldn’t resist the temptation any longer and had to pick it up. And I’m glad I did!
Tracie Martin is the typical stereotype of any WAG or plastic. Blonde, orange, caked in make-up, short skirts, hardly wears underwear - the lot! This is all told from her perspective - it’s her diary. In this book you see her arrive in L.A (well after she nearly got arrested for carrying weapons on a plane). Everything is turned upside down, there’s no one else there like her and she cannot understand it! Straight away we meet a new character called Jamie who you instantly think she’s going to have an affair with, he just seems that type of character! But what happens is far more shocking (although I kinda predicted it would happen).

When Tracie was told that she was going to L.A the first thing she thought of was that she was finally going to meet the Beckhams (Victoria Beckham is her idol, her God) and in a stunt where she tries to meet them she ends up dying their pool black and half the flowers in their garden blue! Another chance comes for her to meet them at a place where her husband Dean was going to go. However things are never that simple for Tracie. She ends up becoming friends with three armed men who are regulars on America’s Most Wanted who she then goes on to threaten some girls who are picking on her tom-boy daughter Paskia-Rose.

Paskia-Rose becomes friends with a very religious girl called Mary and falls for her brother called Joseph. Due to a misunderstanding on the phone her dad rushes over to their house to have words with their son. A little later on their parents invite them round. So they can all get to know each other better. On the surface they seem very straight laced, completely religious, never done anything wrong in their entires lives. But they too are hiding an hysterical secret.
This is a book I urge you all to read, even if you don’t like these types of books! It’s just so funny and balanced with drama.