A review by pris
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas


I want to give this book every star in the universe.
This beautiful fantasy world with all it's places, creatures and magic. But it's not about that.

It's about breaking. How people, love, life can tear you apart and break everything inside you.

Lately I've been feeling broken. And I indentifed with Feyre and Rysand on a level I never ever felt possible.
And so it began. Break. Broke. Heal. Break some more. Heal. Heal. Break. Heal. Heal. Heal.
I'm healing. Getting stronger. And soon I will unleash the power within me.
I will never ever forget the past two weeks. I will be forever thankfull to Sarah J Maas.

Can't wait until A Court of Wings and Ruin. And grow at little bit more. With Feyre. Rysand. Mor. Amren, Aziel and Cassian.
