A review by ariadna
Midnighter and Apollo by Steve Orlando


I read this as soon as I finished the meh that was [b:Midnighter, Vol. 2: Hard|29633087|Midnighter, Vol. 2 Hard|Steve Orlando|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1520151841l/29633087._SY75_.jpg|49984048] and it turned out to be great.

There are high stakes, magic shenanigans, Midnighter kicking and killing, Apollo trying to battle for his own soul, and Midnighter/Apollo moments. There are a handful of naughty moments here and there where they, you know, busy (nothing above a PG-13, imo).

TL;DR: A good conclusion to the Midnighter/Apollo saga with a grand adventure and banter that might border the OTT line. I borrowed it from my local library.