A review by mmattmiller
The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary L. Blackwood


Read this one to support my Global Reading Challenge team, and I liked it a lot more than I expected to! It grabbed me quickly (despite other reviewers saying it had a slow start), and I found myself having a hard time stopping at the end of a chapter because almost every chapter ended in a cliffhanger!

Unfortunately, I don't think I could use this book even with my 5th graders because they would get lost in the language. It would take some strong/high elementary school readers I think to really grasp this book. I wonder if it's targeted more for middle school/junior high, but I wonder how interested they'd be in the topic... It is fairly adventurous at times, but they'd have to be into the theater plot in order to even get there... So I'm not sure who the target audience is. Those who read it and can follow the language quirks though will not be sorry they read it!