A review by saltycorpse
Changeling by Matt Wesolowski


I would actually have rated this higher if I didn't guess the 'reveal' super early. I feel like writers in the mystery genre only have a limited number of 'twists' they are allowed to deploy, and they have to pick one. It was extra disappointing because the book was otherwise really engaging and creative. I liked the format of it, it's set up as episodes of a podcast, with multimedia transcripts, etc.

However, I will read more in this series - I think there's four books now? I accidentally started with the third. I do really enjoy the format and Wesolowski is a genuinely talented writer, I'm just a bit jaded when it comes to books with twists. I keep hoping that either the twist will actually be surprising, or there won't be one at all (which in itself would be a twist, ironically).