A review by labunnywtf
The Burning Girl by Lisa Unger


Received from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I requested this book specifically because of how much I enjoyed book 1. Short and engaging, I got swept up and was ready to continue with the series, even a full length novel.


Kind of lost the magic for me with this one. It started out super good. I love spooky, and the image of The Burning Girl just kind of hanging out and being scary ragey got my stomach all aflutter. I wanted more info, I wanted to know what happened to her, why she was angry, why everyone was telling Eloise to stay away from this one.

And....we didn't get an answer. Which is ridiculous.
SpoilerShe was mad because that woman stopped coming to see her, so she killed her baby? Really? That's it? Then why did she still come to see Eloise afterwards? What the hell?What was her backstory? Why?

And I realized while reading this one that I'm genuinely not interested in reading these stories in novel form. The first one worked beautifully for a short story, and I would've followed a book length version, but after reading this, where only 1/5 of the book was devoted to the psych-y stuff, I would be bored out of my mind with a novel.

It really makes me sad, considering how much I enjoyed the first in the series. Pity.