A review by saccalai
The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm by Karen Foxlee


I loved reading about Mary-Kate's investigations, the book is so easy to get into and quite fast-paced, there is always something happening.
Mary-Kate is so sweet, I really felt for her with all her worries, and she tries so hard not to cause other people stress. Her mother is lovely, so understanding but also no-nonsense and I think just the right amount of challenging.
I really enjoyed the snippets from P.K. Mayberry's Complete Guide to Monsters of the Northern Hemisphere. I feel like this might need a whole companion book of it's own!
This was such a comfort read, I'm just sorry I don't have book two yet to read next (The Trouble with the Two-Headed Hydra). From the excerpt it sounds like it will be just as much fun to read, specially as it takes place in a Greek island!
