A review by snoopydoo77
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


OMG this book was epic!!! Everything I needed but didn’t know until I read this book.

Not going to lie, the beginning was a bit slow and I had a hard time getting into and understanding the world setting. But man, I’m glad I stuck with it. The rest is just perfection.

Bryce at first seemed annoying to me but I was soo wrong about her, I loved her. Everything about her but most of all her struggles. She was super relatable, her emotions and actions, yes she had her moments of stupidity, but at least she was aware of it. Once she made her mind up she stuck to it and most of all she was loyal to her friends and loved ones. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for those she loved. Her friendship to Danika was everything.

Hunt I also wasn’t sure about but ended up loving with all my heart. Her also had his struggles of course but also overcomes a lot and grows throughout the book. He also a lot to deal with, even without having to babysit Bryce.

Ruhn, oh my Ruhn , he stole my heart from the very beginning, if anything happens to him I will never forgive her.

I loved the humor, the snark, the romance and the banter we get along the way, we also get grief, betrayal, healing, friendships, love , actions and nonstop twist and turns.

The last 300-200 pages were insane, so much action and emotions, my heart was racing nonstop, I cried so many times it wasn’t even funny anymore. This book had me all over the place with emotions.

So even with the slow start and world building I have to give it 4.5 ★

 I can’t wait to get my hands on book two, whenever that may be.