A review by charliehobdell
Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard


Again not my usual go-to and (as is the theme of most of my recent reads) a present - this time from my well-meaning but WAY off the mark grandma.

I'll give it this - it's definitely an interesting subject and certainly unique in the plot - boy finds he can communicate with beetles goes on an adventure to find father, encounters human/hyprid beetle enthusiast who is trying to kill his beetles (whilst simulateneously abusing her daughter), with the help of an eccentric uncle and two unlikely friends.

And it is well written, funny and I completely understand the appeal to younger readers. If I had been given this several years ago (maybe 11-12?) I would have loved it. But there are some bits that I just can't shake the feeling they've been lifted straight from 101 Dalmations - evil fashion designer, makes clothes out of insects with her two hench-men?

So yeah - I enjoyed it for what it is and probably would have rated it a bit higher if I was younger because I do see the appeal .