A review by captwinghead
Civil War II by


This was a case of fantastic art being dragged down by a terrible storyline.

Marquez is a genius! He is definitely on my list of favorite artists! He is a large part of the reason I fell in love with Invincible Iron Man (2016).

Then Marvel took him off that to draw for this. Why???

This storyline was a thinly veiled attempt at drawing in moviegoers and a poor attempt, at that. Anyone who can Wikipedia something knows the plot lines have nothing to do with each other. I have my problems with the 2004 Civil War storyline but I've always given it credit for the fact that the conflict was actually a conflict. There were grey areas and no one was entirely right (although some Cap fans would disagree with me on that).

This storyline, it was clear that Carol was wrong. Why? Because she bases her choices on what this Inhuman kid sees and we later find out his predictions are imperfect. Don't base your actions on flawed logic. It's that simple.

Anyway, the plot line is an Inhuman kid, Ulysses, can see what he thinks is the future. He goes to the Avengers (or whatever the hell this group of heroes is calling itself these days. I can't keep up anymore) because he sees Thanos coming to earth. The futurist, Tony, is against taking this into account because the future is always changing. Carol thinks we should because if there's a chance to stop something bad from happening beforehand, why not take it?

Why not? Because several people are hurt, killed, improperly jailed because of what this kid saw. I won't spoil all of it but some important people are lost because of this flawed logic and this book does not earn their deaths. At all.

Carol is so far out of character that I was 99% sure it would be revealed that she was actually a Skrull. Cap is HYDRA, let that sink in. The ANAD tinies Kamala, Miles, and Sam are wondering how they finally became Avengers in time for this mess to ruin it all. (Same, by the way. I was really enjoying that ANAD series before this). The Inhumans are there. I don't really care for them. I was interested in the 2011 series but that was before Marvel pushed X-Men aside and tried to use the Inhumans to replace them.

Anyway, characterization was all over the place. Bendis did this because otherwise Carol's actions don't make any sense. The Carol Danvers I know and love would have never behaved this way or done half the things she did in the book. Especially not to Tony, someone she considered one of her closest friends.

I have to hope the deaths that take place in this book are fixed later but I doubt it. I know which characters Marvel considers valuable enough to keep around and the outcome of this series shows that.

I have to hope the flawed characterization is fixed because this book made me wonder why I even bother reading new Marvel books.

Sidenote: I see people saying Marvel's book sales are going down the tubes because they keep "replacing" their heroes with new versions of them and I highly doubt that's the reasons. The responses to Riri, Kamala, Amadeus and Miles have been largely positive. I think the problem with Marvel is they keep giving us shit like this. These universe wide arcs are ruining my enjoyment of their books because every time I find a new series I like, I have to wonder how long it'll stick around before another arc puts everything on hold. How many series were paused/ended/cancelled after Secret Wars? I put off buying ANAD Avengers and Silk vol. 2 because I knew this arc would shove its way into them. Stop it. Let us enjoy something for a while before making all your books comply with whatever bullshit arc you've come up with now.

While we're at it, stop making super heroes fight each other! Civil War, Avengers v. X-Men, Inhumans v. X-Men, Civil War II. Quit it! Let them fight villains for a change!

Luke Cage said it best in Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #6

This book was a waste of time. The ending feels pointless. It ruined Carol for me and it took out some of my favorite characters in the process. It's not Bendis' best work and it wasted Marquez's talent.

Don't waste your time.