A review by lindaunconventionalbookworms
Pretty Little Lion by Suleikha Snyder


*I received a free copy of Pretty Little Lion from Sourcebooks via NetGalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review which is honest and unbiased.*

Pretty Little Lion lived up to my expectations completely and fully! I loved getting to know Elijah better, and the story with Meghna was so well done! There is some mythology I found to be very interesting, and of course, the chemistry between the two protagonists was off the charts.

There's a lot of action, mystery and suspense in this story. There's also a lot of hurt - because of The Darkest Day, and also because of how much some people fight just to have the right to live a more or less normal life. The romantic aspects were well done as well, and I swooned more than once - both because of Elijah's actions and because of Meghna's actions.

Everyone knows I love me a strong female protagonist, and Meghna was definitely that. She was used to doing things on her own, without anyone having her back, though, and I loved it when she figured out that she could be even better if she didn't have to look in all directions at once.

Third Shift is an organization I can't wait to read more about, and the different relationships between the characters who work there are all interesting and intriguing in their own right. Snyder's humor shines through as well, and I laughed out loud more than once (in between fanning myself during the hotter scenes).

If there's a book you want for the fall season, make sure this one is on your pre-order list!