A review by gwentolios
Gone by Michael Grant

To be honest, the writing of this is not that impressive. It's very reminiscent of a poorly and overdone Apocalypse RPG on a forum somewhere. But you know what? Eventually I found myself no longer caring about that.

Because while the writing isn't that impressive, the story is so engaging, captured my attention so well, that when I came across the squeal in a book store while traveling, I didn't even balk at the idea of spending $23 dollars on it. For a paperback. I was anxious to see what happened, and I found the situations so realistic, and for that reason all the more scary sometimes. I kept make connections in my mind to history and social systems, how this would all work (which, you know, could just be a me thing,) and was somehow able to connect reality to fiction more so with this book than I have with any other.

So yeah, definitely worth a read. Not the best book out there, but you'll enjoy reading this so much you won't really care.