A review by protoman21
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater


Unfortunately I was extremely disappointed with this book. I remember reading Shiver and finding it enthralling and not being able to put it down. Linger was a disappointment because it didn't reach that high standard that Shiver set. Forever, however, was a disappointment in almost every way. It just fell completely flat with me until the very end. I feel like Linger and Forever could have easily been combined into one book and the series would have been much stronger. Forgive the pun, but Forever just felt like it went on forever. There were chapters and chapters where nothing really happened except people exchanged a few phone calls and thought longingly of each other. I don't need constant action to entertain me, but I do need something to keep me interested. The only thing that saved this book from a dreaded 1 star rating was the end. It was exciting and had me gripped to the seat, and the ending was satisfying in many key areas. I just wish the ending had come 250 pages earlier.