A review by mellabella
Cracked Up to Be by Khristine Hvam, Courtney Summers


Cracked Up To Be kept me entertained. It was well written and thought provoking. The main character (Parker) was not likable. At all. She came across and whiny and self important. She is on some sort of tremulous probation period with her school due to an episode where she stole her boyfriends (at the time) $, went to a hotel, got drunk and took pills. Her ex boyfriend still wants her back. I have no clue why. Even though he was kind of dating Becky. The girl who took over Parker's place in the high school hierarchy of popularity. Becky sounded like Elle from Legally Blonde. I don't know. Maybe because the author referenced her wearing pink a lot. She is trying to distance herself everyone that cares about her. When I found out what Parker actually did at the end of the book. It made me dislike her more. No. Actually, scratch that. I started to dislike her more when she convinced her parent to get a dog. The dog died when she took it for a walk. She was nice to the dog. I guess. But she also told her mother that she didn't care if the dog lived or died. Hmm... There is also Jake. A guy who has no clue why he lies the insufferable Parker. I liked CS's other books way better. But this was not bad.