A review by momalwaysreads
Once Upon a Wish-mas by Laura Barnard


I really enjoyed this holiday romance. At first, I admit I was a little thrown off with the British single quotations... it's the first book I've read that has used this format so I actually had to Google to see if it was an error. But I was quickly immersed in the story and forgot all about it.

While a little cliché, this nanny-boss romance was a fun read with good character development. I enjoyed the relationship Ruby had with the girls and that she always put their needs first. I won't say much more as it would be considered spoilery, but the Ruby-Barclay dynamic was very fun to watch develop and I loved their tension.

As for steam level, Once Upon a Wish-mas was a holiday romance more intense than your typical Hallmark movie. There are some steamy scenes and adult language, so I probably wouldn't recommend it to grandma. I would, however, definitely recommend this one to anyone looking for a good holiday smut-mance.

Steam Rating: