A review by unluckyprimes
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


This was fine. Oh, it's an important book for sure and I'm glad it exists, but as a story it didn't really do much for me. I know that's mostly because I'm not the intended audience. That's one part because I'm cis and the other that this didn't really have anything new to say--for me, though. Certainly there's a lot of educational value in this book for those struggling with their gender identity or who just want to learn more.

Also, I really don't think books written in verse do anything for me. I've tried this now and Ellen Hopkins work in the past and am mostly "meh" about it. Though I will say there were a few pages in here that structured the lines into a concrete poem that were exceptionally well done.

Anyway, let me reiterate again that my rating here is based on my personal enjoyment and has absolutely no bearing on the fact that this is definitely an important book for teens.