A review by thereadingwren
Game On by Olley White



Was this the cute, sweet, fluffy, unproblematic, gay contemporary I wanted? YES!

But this read like fanfiction, and not the good or even great kind... but it also didn't read like the bad kind of fanfiction.

It was simply, okay.

There was so much British (at least I think it was British) slang that I didn't understand at all. These two characters are meant to be men in their mid-twenties but they read like teenage girls (a joke one character even makes in the book). It's not exactly a bad thing, but men rarely notice outfits or eyes or anything with the same amount of detail as women do (and yes, I hate that I'm generalizing here).

I also kind of wish there had been more story and growth from one character about discovering their sexual orientation. I find it hard to believe they shrugged it off and were suddenly 100% on board with thinking about men in a sexual capacity.

Overall, this book was just okay. Nothing amazing or horrible happened. I'll probably forget about the "plot" within a few days.