A review by sleepysamreads
Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry


You can find this review and others on my blog SleepySamReads!

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I read (and enjoyed) Pushing the Limits a few years ago. Since then, I haven’t read anything by Kate McGarry. This book has convinced me that I’ve been missing out.

Right away I really loved the two main characters Veronica (V) and Sawyer. I thought it was really interesting that V has a benign brain tumor. She was diagnosed at age 11, and keeps it a secret except from her closest friends. I love the way she sees life. I think I fell a little in love with her right away, just from the way she views life and death. I also have a little bit of a thing for the quirky characters.

The thing I loved most about Sawyer was his dyslexia. I love how real it was and how Sawyer viewed it with a lot of frustration, but he wasn’t ashamed by it. I also found his adrenaline addiction really fascinating. I guess I never really thought that an adrenaline rush could be addicting, but the way it’s portrayed for Sawyer, it really does feel like an addiction to any other drug.

I think I realized how much I was going to love this book when we learn that V and one of her best friends, Leo, have been flirting around the idea of a relationship. V is in love with Leo, but we quickly learn that Leo won’t allow himself to love V because of his fear of her tumor one day becoming malignant. This is so beautifully messed up to me?

The ghost and supernatural parts of this story were super interesting and super well done. It had me very confused by what type of novel this was, but the ending brings everything together really well.

This book does friendships really well. Not only with V and her gang of friends, but also with Sawyer and his two best friends, Miguel and Sylvia. I liked having a little queer rep with Sylvia, though I still wish there was a tad more, but I’ll take what I can get.

I will say that I wish we could have learned a little more about Jesse, one of V’s best friends. The only thing I really can remember about him is that he’s red headed and works/lives on a farm.
Evelyn’s diary made this book a lot more interesting too. She was a TB patient in a hospital in the early 1900s. We learn in the author’s note that Evelyn’s story and diary are real and we get sources to read it and learn more about her. I love when author’s put small realities like this in novels.
The ending was perfect. It made me emotional, but happy.

This is a little of a long read, but definitely worth it.
I REALLY enjoyed this and I am looking forward to reading more by McGarry