A review by utopiastateofmind
Queen of Zazzau by J.S. Emuakpor


(Disclaimer: I received this free book from Netgalley. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I opened up Queen of Zazzau. But what I found was an expansive story about a girl, Amina, who has to grow into her power. We are able to witness her entire character development as she has to learn just how much power and responsibility her life entails. As the princess, Amina takes it for granted that she will become the queen, but without a real concept of what it means.

What it takes. And what sacrifices need to be made.

full review: https://utopia-state-of-mind.com/review-queen-of-zazzau-by-j-s-emuakpor/