A review by teganbeesebooks
The Descent by Alma Katsu


This review is also published on my blog: T and a Book

Title: The Descent

Author: Alma Katsu

Type: Adult Fiction

Genre: Fantasy/Erotica/Romance/Paranormal Romance/Urban Fiction

Tea: Earl Grey Creme mixed with Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls, a delightful addition to something already great.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I was lucky enough to receive and advanced copy of this novel from Net Galley. When I found it on the site I knew I had to read it. I just loved the first novel and I wanted to be one of the first to read this one. The Descent did not disappoint.

This novel picks up four years after the end of the second novel. I was curious to see where Ms. Katsu was going to take the story, as it had already changed quite drastically from the first novel. I wasn't the biggest fan of the second one, I enjoyed it, but it didn't do it for me like the first. Thankfully, the third one did.

This novel was very different than the first and the second, but had a magic all its own. The same characters were there and the story line still made sense and still went along with the other novels, but it was going in a new direction, which is much like life. I enjoyed that her characters weren't perpetually doing the same things throughout the trilogy, as that is what many series are today.

I enjoyed the magical side of this novel, as well as learning A LOT more about Adair's past. I enjoyed seeing Ms. Katsu's take on many different ideas, such as the underworld. I enjoyed seeing both Lanny and Adair grow and change. This novel also had me guessing and I never quite knew what was going to happen next.

If you've read the first two novels, definitely pick this one up, you won't be disappointed. If you haven't read the series yet, get on it! You'll love it.

I can't wait to see what Ms. Katsu writes next. I can only imagine it will be great.