A review by lisaandersson__
In Love by Alfred Hayes



It took me a while to read this, it could be difficult to read this if you're tired, I tried that, did not go so well. I'll still give it a strong 3 out of 5, because it's still nice, makes you think about stuff. 
I would like to buy it one day, I actually borrowed it from a library for the first time in years. 
Actual thoughts about the book (or maybe not realky about the book): 
When I started reading, I read it in british english before I even knew the author actually is an englishman. 
The author uses a lot of commas everywhere (more than I ever do! And I use a lot sometimes), except closer to the ending. This leads to a lot of long sentences.
When I read this book I felt very fancy, like, the way it was written felt like the way classics are written (and it is a classic novel), so you sit there and feel a bit.. I can't describe it.. cultivated? Maybe? 
The book had a lot of details, commas, and long sentences, it takes a lot of time just to read a few pages if you really want to get what he's saying, you gotta read almost thoroughly. But I still like it. 
I have written a lot here, without even talking about the content of the book... well, it's about love, when the realisation hits you, deep thoughts about perspective of things, a man that happens to fall in love, and a woman who also falls in love with him, but they don't realise it, and then they don't really see their relationship as a real relationship. Very vague, yet it feels like I've said too much. Anyway... 🤷‍♀️